Monday, December 21, 2015

Wiki Article of the Day for December 22, 2015

Wikipedia strikes again, interesting article of the day: Miniopterus aelleni.
Miniopterus aelleni is a bat in the genus Miniopterus found in the Comoro Islands and Madagascar. It is a small, brown bat, with a forearm length of 35 to 41 mm (1.4 to 1.6 in). The long tragus (a projection in the outer ear) has a broad base and a blunt or rounded tip. The uropatagium (tail membrane) is sparsely haired. The palate is flat and there are distinct diastemata (gaps) between the upper canines and premolars. Populations of this species were previously included in Miniopterus manavi, but recent molecular studies revealed that M. aelleni is a separate species and that Miniopterus is more species-rich than previously thought. M. aelleni is known to live from 4 to 225 m (13 to 738 ft) above sea level in northern and western Madagascar, at 1,100 m (3,600 ft) in northern Madagascar, and from 220 to 690 m (720 to 2,260 ft) on Anjouan in the nearby Comoros. On Madagascar, M. aelleni has been found in forests and caves in karstic areas. The specific name aelleni honors Professor Villy Aellen of the Natural History Museum of Geneva.

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