Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Futebol!:Any opinions on Lincoln?


I'm an Inter supporter from India. I recently read that Flamengo might offer Lincoln as a make-weight for a deal for Barbosa. I read some glowing reports on him when he played in India last year, and am curious as to what the people here think of him.

Also, I hope I'm not violating any rules (about the post or the language here).

P.S.- Finally, I share a completely random side story. I studied in UK nearly a couple of decades back. Made a Danish friend, who then went on to have a Brazilian girlfriend. He was serious enough for him to go visit her (and her family) in Brazil. Many years later, when we met again, he told me all her Brazilian cousins ask him which team he supports in Brazil. He tried explaining to them that he didn't follow Brazilian football, but they wouldn't have it. He didn't know what to do, as this was a recurring scenario. I (with all mu worldly wisdom) told him to just say Santos, the club of Pele. :)

Submitted October 31, 2018 at 11:30AM by vik1980

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