Friday, December 27, 2019

Futebol!:Bolton, clube de futebol inglês, provavelmente estará em processo de falência após rebaixamento.

Um dos clubes mais históricos do futebol inglês deve ser declarado falido. Se o Bolton, afligido financeiramente, for colocado sob a gestão de administradores, isso resultará em uma dedução de pontos no início da próxima temporada. O clube do norte estará jogando na terceira divisão após o rebaixamento do campeonato.

Um dos jogadores do Bolton, com salários atrasados, se pronunciou por meio de mensagem de áudio:

"Say Zeze, good morning, man. Let me tell you something. I'm thinking here, I know it's hard for you to get resources, I know you're running after it, but I'm talking for myself, I didn't talk to anyone, from the team. See if you can't at least pay that other 60% before Thursday's game, which you don't even have to have, you know, to win the game. It's an extra motivation for us man, to set the salary right there. Then you don't have to get a prize to win the game, because our obligation is to win this game. You are crazy! If we don't beat CSA, for God's sake. Well, make this effort for us, until Thursday, try to hit this 60% that are behind the salary"

Submitted December 27, 2019 at 12:30AM by Drowssap145145

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